Donate to The Imagine Project, Inc.

We would appreciate your support in helping transform the lives of kids and teens
who have been negatively affected by stress and trauma.

**Your help will save a child from a lifetime of mental or physical health problems.

**Your help will promote positive interactions in homes, schools, youth organizations, and communities.

**Your help will lesson bullying and school shootings–promoting trust, compassion, and kindness with kids across the globe!

The Imagine Project journals are free for anyone in the world to download. They are simple and easy to use. Donations will help us bring the programs to more schools and youth programs both locally and globally.

5 Million kids in 5 years! Yes, that’s our goal and we can do it with your help!

Give kids a voice for positive change in their lives!

Thank you for making a difference!

It is the policy of The Imagine Project, Inc. not to publish any information about our donors.  Due to the nature of our charitable purpose, we respect the privacy rights of our donors, and unless the Donor requests the disclosure, all our Donors are kept private.

Join us on June 1st for our annual Gala! Learn more